Chiropractic care

Whether you are new to Chiropractic or have been going to a Chiropractor for years, Journey Chiropractic is committed to creating a comfortable experience for you and meeting your needs.

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Discover the gentle art of chiropractic, where your well-being is nurtured through delicate, precise adjustments.

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The vital role of  chiropractic care today.

When Chiropractic comes to mind, it’s often associated with conditions like low back pain, neck pain, and headaches – and for good reason! Journey Chiropractic excels in addressing these issues. Additionally, chiropractic care promotes optimal posture, enhanced mobility, increased flexibility, improved balance, and overall well-being, enabling your body to function at its peak.

Subluxation, the misalignment in your spine that chiropractic adjustments address, often stems from the daily physical, chemical, and emotional pressures we encounter. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily require a major accident or fall to benefit from chiropractic care.

These routine physical, chemical, and emotional stresses accumulate within your spine, manifesting as subluxations. They can result in discomfort such as lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, reduced mobility and flexibility, posture issues, and disrupted sleep. On a deeper level, subluxations impose stress on your nervous system, affecting your body’s overall functionality.


Gentle adjustments lead to mobility & comfort

A Chiropractic Adjustment is a gentle correction made to a subluxation (often called a misalignment) in your spine. Many techniques are available to perform spinal adjustments, allowing for just the right adjustment for you! We will develop an adjustment protocol and apply the appropriate technique based on your needs, goals, and comfort.

Chiropractic care can help you feel better and allow your body to function better by adjusting the misalignments in your spine. When you get your spine adjusted, it relieves stress from your spine and nervous system, allowing you to move more freely, feel less pain, and let your body function with ease.

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Schedule your next appointment or book a consolation with a chiropractor.

Chiropractic is a gentle, safe, and effective way to restore the motion between segments of your spine. The restored proper motion allows your body better overall mobility, alignment, posture, and improved innate function. This type of treatment is sought after as a more natural way to decrease pain, discomfort, and symptoms, and it doesn’t require medications or surgery. It’s a great way to support the body to best express its potential for health and keep you enjoying your life. 

Journey Chiropractic does not accept insurance.

We can, however, accept payment made with an FSA or HSA card in most cases. We provide straightforward and affordable pricing paid at the time of service for your convenience.

Affordable fees for services! Upfront front pricing with no surprises later! A personalized care plan based only on your needs, not on your coverage.

X-rays are not always necessary to receive treatment.

However, suppose your health history and examination indicate that you require x-rays for treatment. In that case, I will refer you to a local imaging center to have them taken.

If you have previously had films taken of your spine or area of complaint, please bring the report of findings along to your appointment.

Many individuals feel changes even with the first adjustment. This varies from person to person and also depends on the condition being addressed. To resolve an issue, however, does take time, and you may need to be seen multiple times each week in the beginning to accomplish that.

How long it takes to get results will depend on the severity of the issue and your overall health. The sooner it is addressed, the quicker you can get results in most cases. There is no time like the present! If you are interested to know what chiropractic can do for you, book online now.

No, you do not. But you may want to!

Just like you get to decide if you eat healthily or brush your teeth for the rest of your life, you also get to choose if you get adjusted. However, if you want to continue to enjoy the benefits of a healthy spine (right there at your center and helping you to do absolutely everything in your life!), a maintenance plan of regular adjustments will serve you well.

Considering the benefit you receive, most of our patients find it relatively simple to do and very cost-effective. Dr. JeriJo Hall believes this wholeheartedly and sees her chiropractor weekly to receive maintenance adjustments as well!

We will do our best to let you know the benefits, and the choice is yours.